About Us
About Us
RaceMD®, a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization, was formed in 2008 to accelerate the search for intermediate therapies to prolong the lives and health of children with DMD.
In the muscle cells of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) patients, injury is ongoing, every second of every day.
That makes our mission a race.
RaceMD was founded by the parents of a boy, diagnosed with Duchenne at the age of three.
Our commitment to other DMD families is the relentless pursuit of intermediate therapies
to make a real difference in our boys’ lives today.
Help Rescue Our Boys
Without support, every child with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is condemned to a short, limited life with no reprieve from ever-declining muscle and nerve function.
They Deserve So Much More.

When a child is diagnosed with Duchenne, every parent asks themselves some critical questions:
*What are all of the available treatment options for my child?
*How well does each therapy work?
And likely if you find yourself on this site:
*What is stem cell therapy and could it benefit my child?
This forum is designed as a way to connect patients and their families with the newest stem cell therapy research from top physicians, research scientists and patients themselves in an effort to inform the community on the latest advancements in stem cell therapies for Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
We hope the information provided in these pages will help you and your health care provider to make informed decisions about the health care and therapy options available to you and your family.
RaceMD was founded in 2008 by the parents of a boy with Duchenne muscular dystrophy with the goal of providing support and hope to other families through research and action. RaceMD has since founded the Duchenne Stem Cell Forum in an effort to keep the public up to date on the newest information, research, and therapy options available for Duchenne.
All views expressed here are those of the respective authors and do not necessarily reflect RaceMD opinions. RaceMD discloses that it has entered into a collaboration agreement to introduce the available stem cell treatment provided by the NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute in Mumbai, India to the Duchenne patient community.
Notwithstanding that collaboration, we express no preference for any therapy, only a strong desire that information on any therapy with evidence of efficacy be available to patients now.